The interactive sundial at the Santa Fe Children's Museum has inspired and delighted scores of chilren and families. This sundial at the Santa Fe Children's Museum is created with cement, flagstone, tiles and stone. It is made to be durable and withstand the elements. Note that you stand on the present month for your body to cast an accurate shadow.
Our Aurora 7 interactive sundial will also have different months of the year to stand on. The angle of the sun changes over the course of the year, so in order to tell time accurately, first you have to know what month it is. That can be challenging for some youngsters! At least the month doesn't change too often, and by interacting with the sundial regularly, they will have a sense of the passage of months. Some children may use the words on the months to practice their alphabet and reading skills. Older students can note the change in the angle and sort the different months into seasons. 

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